About Thermalright

From our beginning in 2001 THERMALRIGHT has always strived to make the best possible cooling solutions available in the computer market.
We have implemented many changes in the industry, like convex cooler base and that are now widely used by in industry today. We choose the best possible higher thermal conductivity values materials, our heat pipes, base plate and fin material is state of the art. High standard product is by our possible cooling solutions art design, the premium quality of material, and the performance test many times before release it. Our Art is to keep the best Quality and Performance on our heatsink.

Our History Story:
For the professional manufacture of computer radiator manufacturers, was established in 2001 in Taipei, Taiwan, Taiwan, part of the main design and manufacturing, and the United States set up in California TR-USA, mainly in the sales sector, in the past computer industry (2010) at the same time the pace of development , Also in the player market has some influence, the main products focus on computer overclocking / silent players, as the CPU performance on behalf of all the times, providing a lot of impact on the market products, 2016 and set up branch offices in Taipei, Taiwan.

Since the release of AMD’s Thunderbird CPU in 2002, THERMALRIGHT has been making high-performance heat sinks, not only for AMD processors, but Intel as well. Their current product line includes heatsinks for CPUs, GPUs, RAM, and Motherboard components. THERMALRIGHT’s primary focus is fanless heatsinks which can be used passively, making quiet computers; however many enthusiasts choose to use the heat sinks with a fan for better heat dissipation.

In the year of 2012, THERMALRIGHT established the Leetgion brand, starting to extend its business to peripheral and game related products. At the same time, THERMALRIGHT set its oversea branch, in Shanghai, China.

SK6 / 2001

SK6 / 2001

SK-6為索摩樂科技於2001年推出第一款散熱片,只販售散熱器本體,並無提供風扇的服務。本體為全銅鰭片堆疊,有別當時散熱器製造都以壓鑄鋁方式生產,SK-6規格為60mm的尺寸另外風扇固定方式則是使用自行設計的線扣固定,當時許多人不能接受這類的固定方法, 但是到今日這已經是通用的法則。

SP94 / 2003

SP94 / 2003


XP120 / 2004

XP120 / 2004

市場上第一個120mm尺寸的散熱器。在當時,能安裝此規格的主機板並不多。而120mm風扇都只用在大機殼排風扇上,一般機殼還是使用80mm風扇為主,XP120散熱器本體有5支熱導管。由於此款散熱器效能極佳, 因此所以許多主機板廠商在設計主機板線路時,會將CPU旁邊原件區域(Keep out Zone)拉廣,以便安裝此類大型的散熱器本體。

HR 01 / 2005

HR 01 / 2005


Ultra 120 Extreme / 2006

Ultra 120 Extreme / 2006

Ultra120 extreme (許多使用者簡稱為U120E)為六熱導管散熱片,其實單從外觀看他只是一個舊機種的升級版本。但是透過了知名Anandtech的效能測試報告顯示,它比一般其他廠牌散熱器效能提升了一個階段,之後Thermalright公司對外發表」散熱器銅底並不是以平面製造,而是一個凸面」的制程 。這與一般對於導熱概念基礎上有很大的不同 ,而索摩樂​​科技於此機種生產開始至今日為止,都是以凸面來製造散熱器本體。而後其他散熱器廠商也開始使用這種制程生產散熱器。

HR02 / 2010

HR02 / 2010


Silver Arrow SB-E / 2012

Silver Arrow SB-E / 2012

Silver Arrow IB-E高端雙塔式散熱器有8支6mm熱管,裝包含兩個TY-141風扇。創新底噪音水平和高氣流最佳組合併提供最好冷卻性能。不但不干擾前PCI-E插槽,高度僅僅162毫米適合現在更多的機箱。隨玩家的喜好可以安裝至三個140毫米或150毫米風扇。

AXP-100 / AXP-200 /2013

AXP-100 / AXP-200 /2013

AXP-100 / AXP-200! 最新創作, 高度僅區區58毫米(2.28英吋)/ 73毫米(2.87英吋)包括捆綁TY- 100 / TY-14013BW高性能PWM風扇。採用6mm 的6支熱管,通常只在龐大的散熱器出現。這高度幾乎完全兼容HTPC和ITX的機箱市場並與高大的RAM,GPU卡和PCI -E干擾最小。風扇可以選擇灰黑或紅黑風扇搭配造型亮眼。

TRUE Spirit 140 Power / 2014

TRUE Spirit 140 Power / 2014

「TRUE Spirit 140 Power」是「ULTRA」風格散熱鰭片,高達150 *125毫米的散熱面積,可以搭配140mm或120mm風扇,完美提升散熱器整體特性。散熱器寬度為55mm在LGA2011平台完全不干擾高大內存。第1排PCI-E插座亦完全不干擾。TRUE Spirit 140 Power最優越實惠超強時尚的一流散熱器。

Le Grand Macho / 2015

Le Grand Macho / 2015

Le Grand Macho引領半被動及被動散熱器。靜音散熱適合喜歡安靜運轉環境的每一位消費者。偏移設計使顯卡和內存的兼容性更提升(PCI-E和內存插槽)兼容,Intel和AMD平台,如英特爾1155/1155/1366/2011和AMD AM2/ AM3。

Macho Direct HDT / Macho 120 SBM /2016

Macho Direct HDT / Macho 120 SBM /2016

Macho Direct HDT(熱管直觸)CPU散熱器有5支6毫米高性能熱管,優化沈默冷卻器出色的散熱性能並極具吸引力的價格。HDT熱管設置較低Macho Direct的高度比其他Macho短4mm。Macho Direct可以裝配到很多機箱。   Macho 120 SBM完全兼容mini-ITX平台,將RAM及VGA兼容問題降到最低。銅底突出設計,能保證CPU及散熱器間最佳的熱傳導效果。同時支持Intel及AMD平台。

Silver Arrow 130/ Silver Arrow TR4 / 2018

Silver Arrow 130/ Silver Arrow TR4 / 2018

Silver Arrow 130 靈感來自於所有愛好Silver Arrow系列的玩家,他們希望能在不同的主機板上都能有Silver Arrow的影子,強大的主流散熱器Silver Arrow也在此不斷的提升與進步,希望能服務到現在與未來的玩家,都能享予最完美的散熱性能。 雙塔式設計允許特別大的表面積,從而為Silver Arrow TR4卓越的散熱性能奠定了基礎。特別是在低風扇速度和低空氣流量情況下,Silver Arrow提供了出色的散熱性能。為了提高散熱器的效率,熱管焊接到最新的Ryzen Threadripper大的銅底板 – 保證了熱能的最佳傳遞。

Turbo Right 360C / 2019

Turbo Right 360C / 2019

TurboRight evolution All-In-One液冷式CPU散熱器,台灣設計,台灣製造。憑藉在液體冷卻產品方面多年的經驗以及與全球工程師和製造商的合作,THERMALRIGHT團隊開發了大多數性能最佳的AIO 一體式水冷的概念,並花了數年時間為愛好者設計最用戶友好和最受歡迎的產品之一。

Thermalright has always been devoted in seeking all possible methods to maximize our coolers’ quality and performance, even if it takes three months to increase the performance by a mere 1 degree difference. It is our belief that only through persistence could we gain our users’ trust and support!